Order Form
Please Print Form and Mail with Payment to:
Stockstorage, LLC
576 South 400 East
Santaquin, UT 84655
Culinary Herbal Seeds
Culinary Herbal Seeds provides the Missing link in your food storage plan. Because the seeds are non-hybrid varieties, future seeds may be harvested at the end of the growing season and then used for the next year’s planting.
Features · 16 Large seed packets sealed in a #10 can. · Packaged for long term storage. Will keep up to 4 years if stored at 66 to 70 degrees and much longer if kept colder. · All Non-hybrid, open pollinated varieties. · Equivalent of more than 100 average size seed packets. · Harvested seeds can be planted year after year. · Packets are re-sealable for lasting protection. · Instructions for extracting seeds for next years garden · Complete planting instructions included.
Varieties · BASIL, Genovese 200 Seeds · BASIL, Lemon 200 Seeds · CHIVES 200 Seeds · CHIVES, Garlic 200 Seeds · CILANTRO, Slow Bolt 300 Seeds · DILL, Bouquet 400 Seeds · FENNEL, Florence 300 Seeds · MARJORAM, Sweet 300 Seeds · OREGANO, Italian 600 Seeds · PARSLEY, Italian Flat Leaf 300 Seeds · PEPPERMINT 300 Seeds · ROSEMARY 400 Seeds · SAGE, Broad Leaved 200 Seeds · SPEARMINT 300 Seeds · TERRAGON, Russian 200 Seeds · THYME 200 Seeds |
Important! – There is currently a shortage of Non-Hybrid seeds and therefore, varieties may vary.
Pricing Shipping Total
1-5 Cans $43.00 each add $4 per can (Total per each can $47)
6-17 Cans $39.00 each add $3 per can (Total per each can $42)
18-41 Cans $36.00 each add $2.75 per can (Total per each can $38.75)
42-89 Cans $33.00 each add $2.60 per can (Total per each can $35.60)
90+ Cans $31.00 each add $2.55 per can (Total per each can $33.55)
Quantity: _____ Shipping Cost:________ Total Cost:__________ UT add 6.75% Tax
Name: ___________________________________ Phone #: _____________
Mailing Address: ______________________________ Unit Number: _____
City: ______________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ________
*Email Address: ________________________________________________
* Your email address will be used to inform you of when your shipment is shipped.
Please send, Cashiers Check, Money Order or Personal Check to the address above.
Personal Checks will need to clear before shipping.
Please give 5 business days for shipping. Large order could take up to two weeks before being shipped.
To place order with a Credit Card call Allen at 801-361-6984